“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
– Walt Disney

In Chinese Medicine theory, every season has a corresponding element, spirit, sound, flavor, network of channels, and set of energetic properties. In Spring, the element is Wood, the spirit is Hun (soul), and the energy is action, renewal, metamorphosis, and growth. Spring is the beginning of the new cycle of life, representing hope, creation, and the manifestation of dreams and potential. Just as the world around us is blooming and flowering, we too are called to express the notions of our souls and actualize the inspirations of our hearts.
The element of Wood, deriving from trees, is the symbol of expansion. With deep roots in the earth, it stretches is limbs far and wide, reaching for the sun, bending to the wind, and winding its way around any obstacles that cross its path. It does not strive for perfection. It simply holds steady through the storms and advances, undeterred, toward its highest potential. The self-assured aspect of ourselves, determined to stretch farther and aim higher, is supported by how much of this element we posses. The strength of our own personal Wood element is what gives us the stamina and resilience to create, self-actualize, achieve, and persist.
The Wood element is directly connected to vision – both literally and metaphorically. When properly nurtured through action, activity and unobstructed expression, our Wood energy provides us with creativity, foresight and clarity. It drives our ambition and provides us with the courage and stamina to implement our wildest ideas and execute our boldest creations. As Henry David Thoreau aptly states, “In the long run men only hit what they aim for.” Where will you set your sights this Spring, and how will you harness the energy of the season to bring your visions to life?